So my first blog.  Welcome to Arts at the Old Fire Station – long awaited and now on its way.  I’ve got the glorious title of director which sounds like I’ve got a big team of people to direct.  Well, for now, it’s just me BUT I’m surrounded by help from people with an amazing array of backgrounds all keen to make this work.  For example, this blog page has been put together by Miranda Laurence with help from Pete Cranston.  I’m still trying to understand how we are going to make sure the Old Fire Station does all the things we want from it but plans are beginning to form.  I’ve been talking with Emily Alexander from Launch Collaborative and she came up with the title of this blog which sums up the OFS.  It’s really exciting and innovative…but what exactly is it?  If you want to get involved and help work out what it is – send us an email.  Over the next few weeks I’ll tell you about all the people and organisations I’ve been meeting (Oxford is just packed full of creative folk), what we’re intending to do and how you can get involved.  We’ll also be slowly building up this site to give you more information.  If you know nothing at all about the Old Fire Station then click on the CRISIS link – there’s lots of good background about the project.  I particularly like the history page.  That’s because I like history.

Keep in touch
