This weekend, Oxford will be energised and thoroughly well-lit by three days of events across the city. Here at The Old Fire Station, we’ve a plethora of wondrously bright happenings that will showcase inclusive art in varying degrees of heat, movement, music and light. Centering around our marvellous space between Gloucester Green and George Street, Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival at the Old Fire Station will set the pace at the heartbeat of the city’s countdown to Christmas. All of our Christmas Light Festival events are free, for everyone.

Find out how our events intertwine with the Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival on the Oxford’s Christmas Website>

Friday 22nd November

Housed indoors, away from the cold, will be an evening of collaborative colour and sound. From 7.30pm artists Mary Branson and Jono Retallick will reveal a delicate illuminated installation in the Old Fire Station foyer, inspired by the complex stories and fascinating journeys of people sleeping rough in Oxford City. The project, called FLOW, will emanate above and within the active Old Fire Station building throughout Christmas and into the New Year, serving as a constant reminder of integrated inspiration to all our visitors, artists and members.
Keeping with themes of movement and shared experience, come along to the Crisis Skylight Café from 7.45pm to ‘chance’ a sneak preview of Hidden Spire, our weekend-long extravaganza that will take place over four performances between 12th -14th December. There will be snippets of live performance, providing a taster of the work of professional artists and homeless people who will together explore the theme of chance. We can’t give too much away, but there will be much music, much theatre, plenty of dance, and a dollop of the visual arts. If that’s not enough, take a sneaky peak at our sneak preview trailer, created by Oxford based filmmaker Sam Hamper… “How Lucky Are You?”

Once you’ve checked out what’s coming up for Hidden Spire, meander your way to the Old Fire Station Gallery and check out our new dance film Pulse, at 8.00pm and 8.30pm. The film has been created by eight homeless people and stars professional and non-professional dancers. Pulse explores the rhythms of the Old Fire Station building, responding to its sounds and spaces. It is on these tempos and vibrations that the Christmas Light Festival is built, and they continue through the weekend with more music, movement and light.

Saturday 23rd November

On Saturday 23rd November, in the Gallery, Dr Lisa Busby will continue our trail of interactive, integrative activity with some rhythmic experimentation during her ‘S**t! I can DJ’ project. You can involve yourself as much or as little as you wish, listening, dancing and creating in a flowing, explorative environment where everyone can DJ. ‘Work 6. For a Gallery.’ will fluctuate for six hours, between 3.00pm and 9.00pm, so come along and dip your toe in this unrestricted eclecticism. Find out more about the project at

Pillar of FireIt may be cold outside but you can still warm up behind the Old Fire Station in Gloucester Green, where the market stalls will be replaced by a four metre high pillar of fire! Alongside the energised inspiration inside the building, you can relax to the mellow tunes of Euton Daley, whilst warming up with hot drinks, cake, and delicious stone-baked treats from the Pizza Midwife. Or get a little closer to the vitality of Christmas light and heat and toast something right tasty on the Earth Trust’s open fire. Take some light home with you by rolling your own candle. And kids can seal the occasion by posting a special Christmas Wish into the fire pillar and up to the stars.

Friday 22nd November, 6.30pm to 10pm
Saturday 23rd November, 5.30pm to 9pm

So come, celebrate and enjoy Oxford’s Christmas Light Festival at the Old Fire Station. Bask in the lighted wonder of sculpture and real fire, and build your anticipation for a Winter that showcases art and performance that is both excellent and inclusive!