No te vayas nunca (Don’t ever leave) was born as a journal, a diary of a long goodbye to my roots and a vision of the memories built with the experience of being away of my family, childhood and my home.

I lost my parents when I was a child and since then I played the role of head of the family at home; I moved to England 7 years ago. That day I decided to say goodbye to my sister taking a picture of her by the seaside of my hometown, then she took me to the airport and we never said goodbye to each other. Once I passed security, I saw a message written by someone on a wall “No te vayas nunca” (Don’t ever leave), since then I decided to photograph a journal of the experiences I was going to have and the memories I wanted to share with her.

As she does not speak English, I decided to use photography as a universal language. The entire project has been shot all around the world as a part of a conversation between my life experience and others’, friends and new places which are the frame of each chapter of this piece of the story.

I used photography as a way of explaining with images what is not possible to describe with words.

Exhibition opening
Thursday 17 October
6pm – 7pm – view the exhibition
7.30pm – join the artist in the Café to talk about the
project and his working process.