The Project Room presents new work by Bristol based collective “Check your bad self.” a collaboration between graffiti artists Kleiner Shames and Patch Plummer. Since 2006 the artists have painted hundreds of walls and worked on a number of gallery projects and exhibitions including commissions for spray painting cars, interiors of artist spaces in Oxford and edible graffiti. The exhibition is a lively mixture of spray painted work, illustrations, printed work and an installation supported by Arts at The Old Fire Station.

The programme includes screenings selected by the artists of ‘Style Wars’ – the 1983 documentary of Hip Hop culture directed by Tony Silver in collaboration with Henry Chalfant and ‘Beautiful Losers’ – the 2008 documentary following the lives and careers of a collective group of ‘Do-it-yourself’ artists and designers who inadvertently affected the art world directed by Aaron Rose and Joshua Leonard.