Exhibit here

For our Visual Arts programme, we seek out work which chimes with our programming policy. We’re particularly interested in work which supports early career artists, and which emerges from partnerships.

We book very far ahead for exhibitions, so if you submit a proposal it is very unlikely that your exhibition would take place within 12 months of being accepted.

We provide:

  • Curatorial advice and an exhibition technician to support your show
  • Planning meetings with our support team
  • Publicity and marketing in our brochure and on our website and social media
  • A well-lit and accessible space to show your work
  • If in the Gallery, an exhibition opening event

How to exhibit

There are two ways to exhibit at the Old Fire Station:

1. Hire the space
You can hire the Gallery for £3,000 + VAT, or the Upper Gallery for £1,000+VAT

2. Partnership
If you are unable to hire the space, we may be able to work together. If your artwork resonates with us, we may be able to support you in a variety of ways, including:

  • Helping you to create an Arts Council bid to fund your exhibition
  • Giving you the space for your exhibition free of charge (though not paying for the production of the work

Get in touch

Contact Amy Beddow (Exhibitions & Workshops Manager) with suggested dates, links to examples of your work and a proposal for your exhibition. Please also let us know if you have experience of running workshops or if you have other ideas for events to support your exhibition.

We are always happy to receive invitations to exhibitions and studios if you wish to form a relationship with us.

We have worked with a number of disabled and neurodivergent artists. If there is anything we can do to make your application process easier, please do let us know and we will be happy to help.

Contact: e.west@oldfirestation.org.uk