Most arts centres have one or two staff members responsible for programming shows, events and exhibitions. At the Old Fire Station, we’re interested in sharing power, and involving our community in what we do. So we started a Programming Committee.
The committee is made up of a cross-section of people from Oxford. Some are audience members, some are artists. Some have experience of homelessness and tough times, some don’t. Some have worked with us before on creative projects, and some have never worked with us before at all.
How it works
We recieve applications and expressions of interest to be part of our public programme.
The committee meets once a month. At that meeting, they are shown the applications and asked to vote on whether they think the show or exhibition should be programmed.
The staff team then meet to discuss those votes and comments. They act on them to develop the final programme. If they disagree with the verdict of the committee, they explain why.
Can I join?
We will be recruiting for a new group at some point in 2023. Watch this space!