Justice in Motion is an Oxford based physical theatre company, set up in 2013 by artistic director Anja Meinhardt.We are one of Oxford’s Cultural Partners, previously EVOLVE company at Oxford Playhouse, one of the founding members of Oxfordshire Theatre Makers (OTM), and part of the Oxford Cultural Anti-Racism Alliance (OCARA).

Our aim is, to be a creative ambassador advocating social change, raising awareness of injustice, encouraging debate and inspiring action through captivating performances, workshops, and talks.

Justice in Motion’s work is beautifully crafted, a compelling and passionate mixture of physical theatre, dance, parkour, music, and film. We aim to provide a theatrical experience that is entertaining, sometimes humorous, and always thought provoking. Our shows have delved into the worlds of migration, poverty, sexual abuse, and human trafficking and we’ll continue to create challenging, relevant, and inspiring work for today’s audiences.

Justice in Motion also offers workshops and dance classes, taught by professional and experienced instructors.Our classes are fun and energetic and although technical, emphasis is firmly on the enjoyment of movement and freedom of expression. Our workshops offer an insight into some of the skills and genres we work with, such as physical theatre, parkour, dance, and rap music, and can be booked via info@justiceinmotion.co.uk.

Justice in Motion have performed here with PLASMA (2016), BOUND (2017), and CONTAINED (2017) and are long-term friends of the Old Fire Station.www.justiceinmotion.co.uk



